International Admission: How to Apply
Learn about how we help you obtain a visa to study in the US and the paperwork needed.
Every year, over 500 international students and scholars enrolled in our programs of study at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. We welcome international students of all levels to study with us for a semester, one year, or for their full degree program.
We understand that the application process can be overwhelming for international students. We are here to help!
Application information for students who are:
Select this option if you are currently enrolled in high school or secondary school, or if you have completed high school or secondary school, but have not started a degree.
Select this option if you have started a degree following completion of your high school or secondary school.
Select this option if you wish to attend as a non-degree student. You may enroll as a visiting student (independent) or an exchange student (home institution is a partner/sister school of the University of Hartford).
Select this option if you wish to apply for a graduate-level program at the University of Hartford.
This special application is for international students who wish to study English as a Second Language at the University of Hartford. Applicants must be secondary school graduates and over the age of 18.
Programs of Study
Study what you love at UHart and turn it into a career. We'll help guide you through the process so you can select a program of study that is right for you.
STEM Designated Degree Programs determine F-1 students' eligibility for the 24-month extension of their post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT), based on their science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) degree.
The following Degrees are included in this program:
- Acoustical Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Architectural Design + Technology
- Architectural Engineering Technology
- Architecture*
- Audio Engineering Technology
- Biochemistry
- Biology/Neuroscience
- Biomedical Engineering
- Business Administration**
- Business Analytics*
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering*
- Computer Engineering*
- Computer Science*
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Data Science
- Electrical Engineering*
- Electronic Engineering Technology
- Engineering
- Engineering-Interdisciplinary
- Environmental Engineering*
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering*
- Multi-Media & Web Design
- Organizational Psychology**
- Physics
- Risk Management & Insurance
- Robotics
- Technology
- Visual Communication Design
*These undergraduate programs are also offered at the graduate level.
**Program offered only at the graduate level.
Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Programs
Due to the impacts of COVID-19 the following accommodations have been put in place for International Undergraduate Students:
Final year Academic Transcripts
For students who have demonstrated above average performance in the first years of high school will be considered without their final year results.
English Testing
Students may submit results from the following online English tests:
- Duolingo
- Duolingo China ONLY
- Kuwaiti students must take IELTS at an official Testing center. Also, the Duolingo Examination is NOT accepted by the Ministry of Education Kuwait.
Students will be considered without SAT or ACT testing.
Sending I-20's via Email
Please check your I-20 to insure that all information is correct.
I-20's sent by email as a scanned PDF's are fully approved and considered as true and legitimate documents. You will use this scanned document to complete the steps necessary to apply for the F-1 student visa. Your I-20 will contain the scanned signature of the University's Designated School Official (DSO).
Deposit Confirmation
Enrollment confirmation will be extended to July 1 for all International undergraduate students.
Kuwaiti Students
Ministry of Education, Kuwait is no longer recognizing credit earned ONLINE from two-year Colleges in the US. If you are applying as a transfer student from within the USA you are required to present your Verification of Non-Traditional Course form from ALL US Colleges attended. Your transfer evaluation will not be completed without forms from each University attended.
Zoom Interviews are available to assist and support applicants. Please send your request to
What makes a document official?
To be considered an official document it must be sent directly from the issuing school, University, testing organization, Embassy, or credentialing agency to the International Admission Office at the University of Hartford. If the document is collected by the student (applicant) and then sent to the University of Hartford it becomes unofficial.
To be considered official, must a document be received in a paper/hard copy format?
No. Electronic documents can be received and considered official if they are sent by the issuing office directly to the International Admission Office at the University of Hartford.
Can a student be considered for admission with an unofficial document?
Can a student register for classes without presenting an official document?
When must a student provide their official documents?
A student can provide their official documents anytime during the application process. The deadline for producing the all official documents is 3 weeks prior to their arrival for their first semester of enrollment.
What are the consequences of failing to produce your official documents?
- Cancellation of registration of the upcoming term
- Cancellation of Scholarship funds
- Cancellation of any promised job/internship
- Forfeiture of any fees paid for tuition, living expenses or academic fees
You will be required to present the following results:
- 2.75 (out of 4.0)
- 3.75 (out of 5.0)
- 80% (out of 100)
- 70% (out of 100) India/Canada
- GCSE: five *passes with grades of A,B or C. * Four of the five passes must be English, Mathematics, Natural/Physical Science, and Social Science
- GCE: five * passes with grades of A,B or C. * Four of the five passes must be English, Mathematics, Natural/Physical Science, and Social Science
The IB and AP testing scores are not required for admission but may help to support your academic record.
In some cases, students who fall below our admission standard have gained admission as a result of a good score on these exams. Submitting these scores can also strengthen candidacy for scholarship.
International Baccalaureate: An applicant's examination results will determine their eligibility for credit. Generally speaking the higher the score the more credit you will earn. No credit is awarded for Subsidiary level subjects.
Advanced Placement: Students scoring 3 and above will be considered for credit in their respective subject areas.
If your native language is not English, you are required to prove your ability in the English Language. You can prove your ability in the following ways:
English Language Testing (All degree progams except *CETA) – Minimum Scores
- IELTS - 6.5
- Duolingo - 110
- TOEFL at home 80
- Pearsons - 58
College of Engineering,Technology & Architecture (CETA) - Minimum Scores
- 6.0 IELTS
- 74 TOEFL
- 100 Duolingo
- 55 Pearsons
- Successful completion of English Composition at a regionally accredited College or University in the United States with a grade of C or higher. Must be a traditional in class format online classes NOT accepted.
- International Baccalaureate: English A1 or A2 with grade of 3 or higher
- Advanced Placement English with a grade of 3 or higher
- SAT Evidence based reading/writing 480 or higher
- GCSE or GCE English Pass (syllabus A) with grade of A, B or C
- A HKCEE English Pass with a grade of (Syllabus A) with a grade of A, B, C or D
- Trinity ISE II Level: Pass in All module areas
- CEFR Level B2+ Pre advanced
If you intend to pursue a degree at the University of Hartford but you do not meet our English language proficiency requirements, you have the option of starting your degree within the International Pathway Program (IPP).
An essay/example of your best writing is not required but is encouraged as a supplemental piece. An essay submitted for an English Course would be perfectly acceptable.
A recommendation letter is not required but is encouraged to help present a more complete picture of your potential. Character references are not encouraged.
Students interested in The Hartt School
These degree programs are highly competitive and will require you to prove your talent with an audition. Auditions are held on campus, throughout the US and you have the choice of submitting a videotaped/DVD to complete this requirement. You must prepare an audition of two or three contrasting works from the standard musical literature, major and minor scales, and technical studies where appropriate. For a complete listing of audition requirements please visit The Hartt School Admission page.
Students interested in the Hartford Art School
If you are applying to the Hartford Art School, you are required to submit a portfolio of 15 examples of your best work. Of these 15 examples, five must be drawings (either in charcoal, pencil, pastel, conté crayon, or ink). These drawings may include self-portraits, still life, landscapes, and figure drawings. Photography, three-dimensional work, film, and video may also be included in your portfolio.
Portfolios may be mailed to the Office of Admission/International Admission in the form of 35-mm slides. Each slide must be numbered and labeled with your full name. Please also include a description of each slide, indicating the medium used, date completed, and size.
To create your form I-20 you must prove that you have funds that are equal to or greater than the University's cost of attendance for International students. To do this you need to provide two items:
- Bank Statement indicating a balance equal to or greater than the cost of attendance for the University for one academic year. This figure should be presented in US Dollars.
- Financial Sponsorship Certification Form–Please complete and return this form with your bank statement.
You may send these prior to the review of your application or following your notice of admission. Upon receipt of these forms, we will create your form I-20.
Once you have been accepted, please complete the following steps to confirm your enrollment and register for orientation:
Step 1: Pay your enrollment deposit
Login to our online deposit system with your personal login ID. Your ID was previously emailed to you. You will also need your PIN # which is your Date of Birth (MMDDYY). If you have difficulty logging in, or do not have your PIN, do not create a new account. Email International Admission or call 860.768.4981 to request your login details.
If you cannot pay your deposit online, please follow these instructions:
Download our Admission Enrollment Form. Please type or print legibly, fill out completely, and mail to the University of Hartford. If you are paying by check, make the check payable to the University of Hartford, include your name and University of Hartford ID on the check, and staple it to the Admission Deposit Form. Forms submitted without proper payment will not be processed nor considered to have met the deadline.
Students from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or Uae
You are not required to make your deposit payment. Instead, you are required to submit your scholarship letter from SACM, the Kuwait Cultural Division or The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates. We will use your scholarship letter as your deposit payment. Please submit the Admission Enrollment Form to confirm your enrollment, personal information, and attendance at orientation.
Visiting and exchange students
Please submit the Admission Enrollment Form to confirm your enrollment, personal information and attendance at orientation. At this time you cannot confirm your enrollment through our online deposit system.
You will not be permitted to register for your classes until your immunization forms are completed and uploaded. Please review the directions for completing and uploading the form.
International Student Scholarships
If you will be attending UHart as a fulltime undergraduate on the F-1 visa you will be automatically considered for an academic merit-based scholarship.
The University of Hartford does not offer any need-based financial aid (FAFSA) to students who will be attending on the F-1 student visa.
Once you complete your application, provide all academic records, and English Testing results you will be considered for partial tuition scholarships that range in value from $14,000 to $28,000.
Once you complete your application and provide all academic records, English Testing results and your specific Audition Video you will be considered for partial tuition scholarships that range in value up to full tuition.
Once you complete your application and provide all academic records, English Testing results and your Art Portfolio you will be considered for partial tuition scholarships that range in value up to full tuition.
Note: Students who are receiving full sponsorship from their Government (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and UAE) are NOT eligible for merit-based scholarship.
Credentials Required for Admission
Argentina: Bachillerato,Licenciatura
Bahamas: 5 Academic BGCSE Level Subjects, Bachelor's degree
Barbados: 5 CXC/GCSE passes and 1 year of CAPE/A-level study, Bachelor's degree
Belize: 5 CXC/GCSE passes and 1 year of CAPE/A-level study, Bachelor's degree
Bermuda: 5 CXC/GCSE passes and 1 year of CAPE/A-level study, Bachelor's degree
Bolivia: Bachillerato, Licenciatura
Botswana: BGCSE, Bachelor's degree
Brazil: Certificado de Conclusao de Ensino Medio, Bacharel or Licenciado
Canada: OSSD, equivalent province diploma or 1st year of C.E.G.E.P., Bachelor's degree or the equivalent
Chile: Licencia Secundaria of at least 4-year duration, Bachillerato, Licenciatura, or Titulo
China: High School Graduation, Bachelor's degree
Colombia: Bachillerato, Licenciatura or Titulo
Dominican Republic: Bachillerato, Licenciatura of at least 4-year duration
Ecuador: Bachillerato, Licenciatura or Titulo
Egypt: General Secondary Certificate of Education, Bachelor's degree
El Salvador: Bachillerato, Licenciatura
France: Baccalaureat, Licence
Germany: Maturity Certificate, Diplomgrad, Staatsexamen, or Magister Atrium
Greece: Apolytirion from Lyceum, Ptychion
Guatemala: Bachillerato, Licenciatura
Guyana: 5 CXC/GCSE passes and 1 year of CAPE/A-level study, Bachelor's Degree
Haiti: Baccalaureat Partie II, Diplome d'Etudes Superieures or Licence of at least 4-year duration
Honduras: Bachillerato, Licenciatura of at least 4-year duration
Hong Kong: 5 Subjects on Hong Kong Certificate of Education, Bachelor's degree
India: Higher Secondary School Certificate, Bachelor's degree in Engineering or Architecture, Master's degree in other subjects
Indonesia: STTB-S.M.U, Sarjana or Insinyur
Iraq: Baccalaureat, Bachelor's degree
Israel: Bagrut, Bachelor's degree
Italy: Diploma di Maturita, Laurea
Jamaica: 5 CXC/GCSE passes and 1 year of CAPE/A-level study, Bachelor's degree
Japan: High School Graduation, Bachelor's degree
Jordan: General Secondary Certificate of Education, Bachelor's degree
Korea: High School Graduation, Bachelor's degree (Taehak Taehakkyo)
Kuwait: General Secondary Certificate of Education, Bachelor's degree
Lebanon: Baccalaureat, Bachelor's degree, Licence of at least 4-year duration
Malaysia: 5 Subjects on Malaysian Certificate of Education, Bachelor's degree
Mexico: Bachillerato, Licenciatura of at least 4-year duration
Morocco: Baccalaureat, Licence of Ingenieur d'Etat
Netherlands: VWO or HAVO (+SAT I), Doctorandus, Ingenieur, or Meester
Nicaragua: Bachillerato, Licenciatura
Nigeria: 5 Academic Credits on SSCE/WASC or 5 academic GCSE Level Subjects, Bachelor's degree
Norway: Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School, Cand. Mag
Pakistan: Higher Secondary Certificate Bachelor's degree in Engineering or other 4-year, Bachelor's degree or Master's degree
Panama: Bachillerato, Licenciatura
Paraguay: Bachillerato, Licenciatura of at least 4-year duration
Peru: High School Graduation, Bachiller, Licenciatura or Profesor from a 4-year university program
Philippines: High School Graduation and NCEE results, Bachelor's degree
Saudi Arabia: General Secondary Certificate of Education, Bachelor's degree
Singapore: Minimum 5 academic GCSE passes and 1 year of A-Level study, Bachelor's degree
South Africa: Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption, Bachelor's degree
Spain: Bachillerato de Ensenanza Superior or COU, Licenciatura
Sweden: Matriculation Certificate, Filosofie Kandidatexamen or Ekonoexamen
Switzerland: Maturity Certificate, Licence or Diploma of at least a 4-year duration
Thailand: Matayom Suksa V, Bachelor's degree
Trinidad: 5 CXC/GCSE passes and 1 year of CAPE/A-level study, Bachelor's degree
Turkey: State Lycee Diploma, Lisans or Bachelor's degree
United Arab Emirates: Secondary School Certificate, Bachelor's degree
United Kingdom: Minimum 5 academic GCSE passes and 1 year of A-Level study, Bachelor's degree
Uruguay: Bachillerato, Licenciatura of at least 4-year duration
Venezuela: Bachillerato, Licenciatura or equivalent